Tuesday, June 1, 2010

first day of the Month

Well it is June 1 and I am going to give this a try again. I like to write but not about myself. So starting today I am going to try and take better care of my sugars and eat better. I went yesterday to the store and wanted chili for some reason it was almost 2.49 a can, can you believe it. I am glad I planted a garden, everything is growing well, maybe today I might get a few more plants. So for the morning I had a bowl of cereal . My blood sugar this morning is, well lets just say it was high because I ate something sweet last night. I will work on it talk to you tomorrow.

Monday, April 26, 2010


How are all of you out there? I am doing pretty well, still using my cane, but I am getting around better. Saturday I went out to my garden and cleaned out the 5 boxes that I have. Over the winter I have been putting chicken waste in my compost along with some hay and other stuff. I left the lid off and it turned out really nice rich dirt. So I filled up my boxes and put news paper between them. Then got some red bark and filled in , it looks really nice. I planted some tomatoes and squash. I have one little area that asparagus are growing in it. I planted plants last year and got 2 asparagus this year, each year I will get more. I have 4 hanging, plastic pales that I planted tomatoes in. There is one tomato plant that is still growing from last year. The other three I am going to fill to the top and plant snow peas in. They will hang down the side. I want to see if that works better then the tomatoes, we shell see. Hope you all have a great week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting back

Today is Wed. and I am doing what I can. I have been exercising every day, and go twice a week to have them work on my knee. They do a real good job, when I get home I feel like they beat me up ( just kidding) maybe a little. The young man that works on my leg is named Jay, he is very nice. He is married with two small boys. Jay was adopted like me, his wife wants him to search for his family but he is not sure. He loves his family he grew up with but would like to know some information. I told him it is nice to know your medical question and if you might have any brothers or sisters. It is nice to fill that hole that some people have, but it is up to him. so I will get back to you in a few day. Have a good week.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Well I am back

I have been laid up with having my knee replaced. So I haven't been doing to much, my daughter suggested that I should have been writing about having my knee replaced from the beginning. So here is a quick recap, Went in Jan.25, stayed in the hospital for 3-4 day ( I really don't remember that much about being in the hospital). Then they sent me to rehab., I was there for a week, everyday I would have to go and exercise. It is now a little bit over 2 months and I am walking with a cane. I have been home and going twice a week to rehab. I was hoping that by now I would be walking normally but it take up to 6 months, they don't tell you that before hand. I go and see my Doctor next week and I hope he will be happy. I do not want to have to go back to the hospital and have him put me under and bend it more. I will be starting all over again, so I guess I will just have to wait and see. So have a great weekend and I will write next week.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hello everyone,well this is the week everyone eats, parties and has fun. So don't eat to much and try and stay away from all those pies, cakes and candies. Next week the whole world will be making New year resolution. I am just going to try and stick to good eating habits. With my knee the way it is, I am not going to be able to do to much, so I really have to watch myself. So everyone take care and drive carefully over the holidays and I will be back Jan. 1.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Well today is cookie day, I have everything ready to mix up, I am just waiting for my butter to get soft. Tomorrow is the big contest, my daughter Heather sent me a picture of her mixing bowl with all the goodies in it. So now all we have to see is Carries mixing bowl so we know that she is not cheating. It should be a lot of fun and I am going to win this years, #1 that is going to be me. Have a great day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Good morning, it is 5 am and I am wide awake. I was tired last night so I went to bed at 8:30 and I woke up early today. It sounds like it is raining outside so I won't get to do much out there. I will clean up my kitchen today and get ready to make my Angel sugar cookies tomorrow. I want to wait until the last day before the contest so I won't eat them, that way I will make them put them into the refrigerator to get cold then on Friday morning bake cookies.
This should be a fun time, I get to have all the grad kids together. So take care and be careful of what you eat it is so easy to gain a few pound over the holidays.